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Set work for display of Golden age Spanish paintings Spanish Gallery Aockland project Bishops Auckland
Cover for a catafalque supporting 17c sculpture of christ at the Spanish Gallery Auckland project Bishop Auckland
Margerete Shutt- Lihotzky modular Frankfurt kitchen + metal appliances in Design Museum London
Interactive Skeleton
Interactive Skeleton, Bosworth Battlefield Heritage Centre
Wooden copy of early medieval Ruthwell cross in Anglo Saxon Museum Wooler
Kola Gun
Kola Gun, Gibralter Siege Tunnels
Napoleon, Army Museum, Delft
antiquarian bookcase
Conservational use of antiquarian bookcase, Black Gate, Newcastle upon Tyne
Wooden chained books and set work Lindors Abbey visitor centre
Exterior Figures, Wheal Martyn
Interpretation of Throne of Dagoburt 1 Anglo Saxon Great Hall Ad Gefrin Northumberland
Mini-theatres, National Library of Scotland
Copy of James Burroughs first still
Copy of James Burroughs first still, Beefeater Gin Visitors Centre
Replica of excavated viking ship
Life-size replica of excavated Viking ship, Dublinia, Dublin
scale model of Roman Vindolanda
Monochrome scale model of Roman Vindolanda, Roman Army Museum, Hadrian’s Wall
Life Size Roman Food
Life-size Roman food, Roman Army Museum
Interactive at National Army Museum
Interactive/Walkaround National Service Barracks, National Army Museum
Hilts of Anglo Saxon swords on the weapons wall at Ad Gefrin Anglo Saxon visitor experience
Spray Painting Armour
Spray painted armour, Bosworth Battlefield Heritage Centre
History of Surfboards
History of Surfboards, British Museum of Surfing
Pushvagners surviving 1960s paintings
Norwegian pop artist Pushvagner’s surviving 1960’s paintings in one conservational frame
indisfarne Gospels Exhibition
Entrance to Lindisfarne Gospels Exhibition, St Peter’s Library, Durham
Beefeater Gin Visitor Centre
Life-size Georgian street and pawnbroker’s shop, Beefeater Gin Visitor Centre
Cavalry Interactive
Cavalry Interactive, York Army Museum
Sherman tank painting
Life-size Sherman tank painting, York Army Museum
Old Tom reproduction 18c drinking sign, Beefeater Gin Visitor Centre
Orientation Model, Black Gate, Newcastle Keep
Copy Roman Stone, Roman Army Museum
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